Bana Mbatosi Nursery School

Our new school is well on its way, thanks to the amazing work of our CBO women and the local community in Kazomba!

Following the huge success of our breakfast feeding appeal during lockdown our numbers rose from 24 to 115 so we ran out of space! Never scared of a challenge we began to build bigger and better. Our new resource is huge and has room for everyone as well as a library and nap room! Let’s face it- we all need that!

Now, all we need is a roof!

The local community have done their bit by providing free labour, donating cement and making bricks by hand. Roofing is the the most expensive bit in Malawi with roof beams coming in at £12.00 each and corrugated roofing sheets at £15.00. And we need loads! And we need it before the rains come and wash away our hard work.

Our children and families are getting really excited and can’t wait to get in, start learning and celebrate! Our volunteer teachers are thrilled that they now have a meeting room of their own!